I recall when I started out as an entrepreneur I didn’t fully understand how important it was to set the culture that would be the most productive. I learned very quickly that people will waste your time and not value your efforts. Instead of complaining about I leaped into action. I started talking to leaders, business owners, and more seasoned entrepreneurs asking for guidance. I soon realized that as an entrepreneur it was my responsibility to set the culture of the relationship with clients, vendors, and colleagues alike. Over the years I have developed a system that ensures that all parties involved maximizes time and effort. Here are just a few tips for setting the culture for business relationships:
- Create agendas for meetings.
- Confirm meetings a minimum of 4 hours before the start time.
- Share your expectations of the relationship early on.
- Schedule calls just like meetings (have a start and end time).
- Follow up all meetings and phone calls with an email that go over the details and also lay out any action items that resulted from the meeting or call.
- Set due dates for action items.
I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me! Feel free to share this information and follow on social media:
FB: JP CEO and Unheard Media LLC
IG and TW: @only1jpceo
#MaxOut #GoCrazy #DeliveryInLayers #AOEIntl #BWN #JPCEOTheConnector #WhenJPHasYourBack